Nobody is Perfect: Historical Monograph, by nip.PiToN — The history of the NiP clan and Russian Quake II, partially :)

"On August 18, 1998, an epochal event takes place - the Internet clans SGM , BRP and Tesis decide to unite. After a long search for a name, the choice falls on the slogan found on the shirt of [SGM]ViS: Nobody is Perfect - I AM NOBODY! Moreover, the first part, in isolation from the second, is simply translated as 'no one is perfect.' We really liked this ambiguous and somewhat psychedelic name, and the decision was made - it was decided to call the new clan NiP (Nobody is Perfect)."

Hellraisers: The Dnepropetrovsk Clan of Multiplayer Games — Photos from Tournaments with Our Faces… 2001, 2002

"So, this Saturday UniClub will host the ku3 championship among Ukrainian fathers. The best kutrikers of Ukraine are invited, the limit is 16. Prizes for the 1st and 2nd place are a 'ticket' to the duel PACC. :) And they also promise a ball-shaped St. Petersburg beer 'Baltika', thanks to CDplus. ;-)"