Quake II Magazine Archive: Off-Topic — Tomb Raider

"A game for all platforms? Tomb Raider epitomizes game development in the fall of 1996. It's fast, brash, violent, beautiful — and not available on the Mac. And now, thanks to Core Design, it's possible to be an explorer without even leaving your seat. Thanks to Tomb Raider."

Quake II Magazine Archive: Off-Topic — Miscellaneous Gaming Articles

"Welcome to the arcade. It ain't America. It ain't even Earth. Once you step through those doors, you enter a dimension of electronic fantasy - a virtual reality rocked by flashing lights, digital beeps, computer voices and humanoid trash talk. If you're an alien or a parent or something, you probably think that these dens of electronic inquiry are LAWLESS, DANGEROUS PLACES. But we know better. The arcade is a different world - but it does have rules."

Soldiers of the Quake Empire — Klingon Skins for Quake II, by Kevin A. Geiselman aka Commander Kordite

"The Klingon Skins for Quake II were made using Paint Shop Pro, NST Model Viewer and, occasionally, a scanner. Warriors of the Empire are encouraged to use these skins in Deathmatches. Feel free to switch heads for your own personality but, as a courtesy, don't change the bodies too much. And don't forget to tell 'em where you got 'em. In the future (hopefully) look for skins for Klingon Honor Guard, Feddie skins (ie, targets) and Klingon Deathmatch levels for Quake II. Boarding parties to the transporter room!"

Photos of the Quakenet LAN Party 2: São Paulo, Brazil — Sep. 5 – 7, 1998

"Imagine uma rede gigante, com muitos micros, muitos jogos e a possibilidade de ficar 24hs/dia conectado diretamente com seus amigos lado a lado. Melhor ainda, veja esta rede: Foram 3 dias ininterruptos, 150 quakers, centenas de partidas e uma QUAKENET/2 inesquecível para todos aqueles que compareceram ao maior evento de Quake já realizado até hoje!"