PaTMaNs Games — Quake 2 Maps, Sniper Guide, and Action Quake 2 Tips

"Action Quake 2: Deathmatch, Teamplay, Jumping, Racing, Whatever! — My second dirtbike track. This one is in the desert. 2 height meters in here. One in a canyon for jumping up the wall (my best: 10) and one for jumping up the side of a rock (my best so far: 9). Press the "Canyonize" buttons to have small canyons form / fill-in at the sites. Have fun! Text file for more info."

Evil Empire Quake Clan — Camp Grounds and Camper Killers, by Toad

"Genetic and technology research has enabled us to increase human abilities. Our researched has helped us create killing machines from our training soldiers. Our newest weapon is the Multi-mode gun. By default its a shotgun, but with the weapon add-on accessories you can modify it to fire rockets or shoot lightning charges. Last Update 10/6/96."

Forbes: Is this Your Life or What? — Dennis Fong tells writer Gary Andrew Poole about his life as a champion gamer

"I knew right away he would be coming after me. So I changed my style and waited for him to come. Like I would trap him in a room, and then he’d be forced—because he was down—to be the one that comes around the corner and starts shooting. But I’d be shooting at the corner, so he had nothing to do but take the first shot in the face. That’s how I ended up winning."

Gamers Extreme: Resources for the Hardcore Gamer — GX Guide to Quake II CTF

"Like the game of Quake II itself, Capture the Flag is an incredibly fun experience, but even that can be heightened greatly by understanding the basic and advanced strategies used by veteran players to frag and cap with ease. These strategies involve the knowledge and implementation of the game's 'Tech Powerups,' standard Deathmatch skills to employ in fights, and later, communication with members of your team, setting up offensive and defensive squads, and much more. CTF, as a 'goal-based' game, redefines standard free-for-all and team games, and is truly the Thinking Man's Quake II."