Quake II Magazine Archive: November 1997

"'We've built an entire world. It's not like Quake — four episodes of unrelated crap — we've built a planet and a race of aliens. We have areas in the game that people can identify with — bunkers, hangars, warehouses, power stations and stuff. And then we've established missions and goals for each area. We wanted people to believe they were in a real place.' This is Tim Willits talking. He's lead level designer on Quake II."

Quake II Magazine Archive: id Software – Quake II

"Our Chaos Theory: fire a BFG in 1997 and you get CHAOS in 2021… The reason Quake and Quake II get more coverage than other games is simply because of the way in which gamers embrace playing them. No other games have been mutated in so many ways as Quake and Quake II have. So if you're sick of hearing the word Quake — bad luck. You'll be hearing a lot more of it in the future."