Quake 2 Models — AET Quake Server Players Page, by Phil

"I'm not going to explain exactly what QUAKE is, suffice to say that it's a game where you have a character - with a gun - who goes around different levels shooting everything that moves! A bit like DOOM but with better graphics and a lot more. With AET's QUAKE server, you don't play against the computer. You play against other people! Much more fun! A good friend of ours at AET, who are a computer repair service based in Gillingham, Kent, runs a QUAKE II server which runs 24/7. So — if you are feeling a little bit bored why not try it out! The best times with the most people playing Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but people are playing most nights of the week. (The name I play under is 'Tory B'stard' so if you see me (I'll be the one with the lowest score) — say Hi!) So, for those of you who already have QUAKE II and know how to set it up to play in Death Matches with downloads enabled (you will need the downloads enabled as we do NOT normally play the standard levels or with standard characters). The server address is aetnet.co.uk." -Phil

The G3D Innovation Engine, by Morgan McGuire — 3D Player Models for Quake 2

"The G3D Innovation Engine is a commercial-grade C++ 3D engine available as Open Source. G3D supports hardware accelerated real-time rendering, off-line rendering like ray tracing, and general purpose computation on GPUs. Its design emphasizes rapid prototyping and innovation, particularly of rendering and game algorithms. G3D provides a set of routines and structures so common that they are needed in almost every graphics program. It makes low-level libraries like OpenGL, network sockets, and audio channels easier to use without limiting functionality or performance. G3D is a carefully designed, feature-rich base on which to prototype your 3D application. The contributors span the graphics industry. The engine is primarily maintained by Morgan McGuire, Zander Majercik, and Josef Spjut at NVIDIA, Corey Taylor, and Michael Mara at Stanford University & Oculus Research. It includes contributions from professional game developers, CAD and DCC developers, students, industry researchers, and professors."

3TCTF: 3 Team Capture the Flag for Quake II by Dutch Orange Legion

What can I tell you about 3tctf... Well, it's the only 3 team CTF with the original CTF in it. NO Classes, just the normal CTF like you know it. Final version of the game will contain: A total of 8 maps. 7 of them are designed by DOL's MapLAB. Map '3tctf6, Lord's cave' is made by iQ.Lord Darkness. There will be a win32 and a Linux version of the mod.  Skins and textures are made by [DOL]MissRookie. Programming is done by DCB-SuperCow! and porting of the mod to a Linux version is done by *NuT5*Dessignator and Grizzly.