Action Quake 2, ChaosDM, QPong, Star Wars Quake and More Q2 Mods — Quake II RTX Screenshots, by SGC-Puffy

"Screenshots of various Quake II mods, with RTX on, by SGC-Puffy, of Perth, Australia. 'Somewhere beyond the sea... Somewhere waiting for me... My Big Daddy stands on golden sands...'"

Quake 2 Models — AET Quake Server Players Page, by Phil

"I'm not going to explain exactly what QUAKE is, suffice to say that it's a game where you have a character - with a gun - who goes around different levels shooting everything that moves! A bit like DOOM but with better graphics and a lot more. With AET's QUAKE server, you don't play against the computer. You play against other people! Much more fun! A good friend of ours at AET, who are a computer repair service based in Gillingham, Kent, runs a QUAKE II server which runs 24/7. So — if you are feeling a little bit bored why not try it out! The best times with the most people playing Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but people are playing most nights of the week. (The name I play under is 'Tory B'stard' so if you see me (I'll be the one with the lowest score) — say Hi!) So, for those of you who already have QUAKE II and know how to set it up to play in Death Matches with downloads enabled (you will need the downloads enabled as we do NOT normally play the standard levels or with standard characters). The server address is" -Phil

Temple in the Blue Rocky Mountain, by Hirose Takeharu — Takebo of Clan Acid from Japan

"Thanks to you, it was officially released on AQMD. I think it was done according to the image. I was planning to make a Great Buddha, but I gave up and it became a different one. This one is difficult and needs more training. This time, the max of r_speed is also within 580, so I don't think it is heavy. If you try it for a while, it may be difficult to meet for a small number of people and it will be prolonged."

Backshooters — WizQ2DM1: Skywalker, by WizardExt

"Made a new map, this time for Quake 2 deathmatch. I have mainly focused on the modification Action Quake 2, but now it's time for a first release for Quake 2 deathmatch. It probably plays best with a small player load, but will probably be a lot of fun with more players. Crowded, laughing, insane. You are in a castle high up above. It's a mix between fantasy and medieval. The map is small and generous with its items and weapons. Heavy weapons on lower level and you are forced to climb the net to reach the upper lever. It features new graphics, both env's and textures. The r_speeds values are kept pretty low, so no need to upgrade machine just for this little baby. Have fun! Post comments and feedback."

Action Gear — The Action Quake 2 Accessories Archive, by MarlPoro

"The site was founded 7th February 2005 to serve the players of Action Quake 2 — the greatest game of them all. Here we provide all kinds of material to help the players make their gaming experience even more enjoyable, you can see everything we offer at the moment in the left-side menu. Remember — there is always new stuff coming, so pay us a visit every now and then :-) In matter of fact, the project was started already in year 2003, but it drained out cause of lack of interest. If you remember 'Action Adrenaline', then you'll know what we're talking about. What-so-ever, now we're here to finish the job. And for all of you developers: Please share your work, because it keeps this scene fresh and more alive."