Quake 2 Models — AET Quake Server Players Page, by Phil

"I'm not going to explain exactly what QUAKE is, suffice to say that it's a game where you have a character - with a gun - who goes around different levels shooting everything that moves! A bit like DOOM but with better graphics and a lot more. With AET's QUAKE server, you don't play against the computer. You play against other people! Much more fun! A good friend of ours at AET, who are a computer repair service based in Gillingham, Kent, runs a QUAKE II server which runs 24/7. So — if you are feeling a little bit bored why not try it out! The best times with the most people playing Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but people are playing most nights of the week. (The name I play under is 'Tory B'stard' so if you see me (I'll be the one with the lowest score) — say Hi!) So, for those of you who already have QUAKE II and know how to set it up to play in Death Matches with downloads enabled (you will need the downloads enabled as we do NOT normally play the standard levels or with standard characters). The server address is aetnet.co.uk." -Phil

PlanetQuake.com: Quake 2 Player Model Pack — Deathmatch Images

"Happy Saturday = Happy Weekend!!! Got skins out the wazzoo today, thanks to your hard-workin' Grunts. We have been at it again and have another load of skin-review-treats ready for y'all… Your Grunts have been choppin' away at the Quake2 stump again, with many more older skins reviewed and ready for yer collections."

Quake and Conquer, by Ryan Dobson — a Real-Time Strategy Game Set Inside the Quake 2 Environment

"Take all the techniques you know about Quake 2 and throw them away. Quake and Conquer is all about resource management and strategy. You can't resort to a gung-ho solo charge because - well, you just can't. Your player is a disembodied essence wandering the levels. You have direct control over your creatures and machines through your crosshair."